Why Capcut Not Working On Mobile And PC 4 Fixes

 Why is the capcut app not working and what is the reason why the capcut application does not work on your PC or mobile phone?

fix capcut not working

When you use capcut you encounter many problems. It may also happen that the capcut was running on your mobile first and then it stopped running on your mobile. 

What is the reason

for this? I will tell you how to fix the problem of capcut not working which will help you solve the problem of not working.

What Is The Reason Why The Capcut App Is Not Working?

I will tell you the reasons why the capcut app does not work on your mobile PC.

You will also be able to know that these are the reasons why capcut does not work.

 Device Not Supported

If the device you want to use the Capcut app on is not running.

It may be because your mobile version is low and your device does not support heavy applications so capcut doesn't work.

The old version of Capcut

You are using an old version of capcut which is why capcut does not work because the old version does not use capcut properly.

Since capcut is an old version it does not work properly.

Internet Speed Is Low

To use capcut your internet speed must be fast. If there is a problem with your internet connection capcut may not work for that reason.

How To Fix Capcut Not Working On PC And Mobile Phone

I will tell you how to fix the problem of not working capcut on your PC and mobile phone whether your mobile device is Android or iPhone.


Check The Requirements

To run capcut on a PC windows 10 64 bit must be installed on your PC and your PC must have 4GB RAM.

If this requirement is not on your PC then run capcut on another PC.

Capcut Latest Version On PC

If you are using an old version of capcut on your PC that you have not updated then you need to update capcut to the latest version and run it.

Reinstall Capcut On PC

You have to delete capcut first and then you have to reinstall it on the PC with the latest version of capcut and run it.

Fix The Internet Connection

You have to keep the internet connection on your PC correct so that capcut can run smoothly.

If your PC does not have proper internet access you can use a vpn.If there is no internet connection, then the capcut will not work.

Android Or iPhone

Fix 1: Increase Storage Space

increase storage space

If you want to increase the storage on your Android and iPhone you need to remove any unnecessary files on your devices. 

And if your Android device supports memory cards then you have to transfer all your necessary files to the memory card.

And if it is not supported then you have to transfer the files to Google Drive and also transfer any necessary files you have on your iPhone to Google Drive.

Fix 2: Run Capcut By Connecting To A VPN

When you want to run capcut connect your vpn you can use capcut by connecting vpn.

This will also ensure that your internet connection reaches the capcut properly.

Fix 3: Mobile Device Incompatibility

Your device is not compatible with capcut if you have an old device it is difficult for capcut to run.

Use capcut on your latest device and if your mobile version is low then capcut still doesn't work.

Fix 4: Check The Capcut Permissions

You have to check the permissions of capcut to see if you have granted all its permissions or not.

allow capcut permission

For this, you have to go to the mobile settings go to apps and click on capcut and you have to allow all permissions.

I have given you solutions on how to fix the problem of capcut not working on Android iPhone and PC you can follow these steps to fix the problem of capcut not working.


You have to follow what I told you in the same way and you will be able to easily fix the capcut not working problem.

If you are having a problem with your capcut pc not working or your mobile phone, you will be able to fix it easily.


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