How To Recover Deleted Capcut Projects On Android & iPhone Easy Way To Recover

 You have created many projects for your video editing on capcut but they are accidentally deleted by you and you don't know how to recover them.

How to recover delete capcut projects

So for this reason you are very worried because you have worked hard to edit your video and saved it in a project but it gets deleted.

I will tell you how to recover your deleted project. I will tell you some ways by which you can recover your deleted project on both your Android and iPhone devices and if you haven't taken a backup I will tell you how to recover without a backup.

How To Recover Deleted Capcut Project On Android & iPhone

I will tell you some steps on how to recover a deleted project from capcut on Android and iPhone. You have to follow exactly and you will be able to recover the deleted project easily.

click library option

1. Open capcut and click on the Library option.

click trash

2. There you will find the trash option you have to click on it.

click the restore

3. There you will find all your deleted projects you can restore them by clicking on them.

4. The second way is that you will find the cloud option at the top where you get projects.

5. When you click on it all your deleted projects will appear. You can recover them by clicking on them.

6. Capcut Pro is required to use the cloud option.

7. It is mandatory to take a daily backup of your capcut app which will benefit you in that if you delete

any project it will be recovered.

I have told you how to recover deleted projects this is the same for both iPhone and Android.

How To Recover Deleted Capcut Projects Without Backup

If you have not taken a backup of your capcut project then how do you recover your deleted Capcut project? I will tell you the method by which you can recover your deleted project.

1. You have to open the Play Store on Android and open the App Store on iPhone.

search dr fone

2. Click on the search button and search for Dr. Fone.

click install

3. And then you have to click and install the Dr. Fone app.

click files

4. Then you have to open the Dr. Fone app and click on the Files option.


5. And then you have to enable the option of allow access to manage files.

6. Then you have to click on the files option again then whatever files you have deleted will start recovering.

7. You have to click on all these files and recover them.

8. And by clicking on the video section you can also recover any videos that are there.

9. Then when you open capcut any deleted projects you had will have been recovered.

If you haven't backed up your capcut project you can recover deleted projects on your Android and iPhone without a backup by following the method.


I have explained to you all the methods on how to recover the deleted project of capcut you have to follow the method I have told you and you will be able to easily recover deleted projects from capcut on both your Android and iPhone devices.


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