How To Add Auto Caption In Capcut Mobile And PC Easily

 I will tell you how you can add captions to a video in capcut. I will guide you on how you can add captions to a video no matter what language you want to do it in.

add auto caption in capcut

I will tell you how you can easily add captions to any of your videos. And I will tell you how to edit capcut auto caption free.

Which will allow you to write auto-captions for your videos for free.

How To Add Captions To Videos On Mobile In Capcut

I will tell you how to

add captions to any of your videos using capcut on your mobile phone.

I will tell you what you will have to do so you can easily add captions to your video in any language.

1. Open capcut on your mobile and select the video you want to add captions to.

2. Then you have to click on the video timeline.

delete unnecessary part

3. You have to split and cut any unnecessary parts in the video.

click caption option

4. Then below you will find many options you have to find the caption option and click on it.

click auto caption

5. Then many options will be shown in front of you, but you have to click on auto caption first.

click generate

6. Then if you want you can also change the template of your caption otherwise you have to click on the generate option below.

7. Then as soon as you click it will take a while to load so your video will have captions.

8. You can also select the language automatically and if you want you can also change the language according to your video.

9. Then as your video plays and captions will appear below it.

10. If you don't like the style of the caption you've added you can also change its template.

entry caption

11. If you want to type the captions in your video yourself you can do so by clicking on the entry caption option.

write caption

12. You can write your caption there.

In the same way, you can easily add captions to your video using capcut. Keep the internet on while adding auto captions. If the internet is off auto captions not working in capcut.

How To Import Captions In Capcut

If you have already written a caption and you want us to import it into capcut as is but you don't know how I'll tell you how to import the caption in capcut.

1. You have to select whichever video you want to import captions into.

2. Then you will find the option below click on it for a caption.

click import option

3. And click on the import option.

4. There you have to find where you have placed the captions and then you have to select them.

5. After that your captions will be imported into capcut onto your video.

6. Then you can set them however you want.

To import captions the method I have told you if you want to do it on an iPhone or Android.

 You have to use the same method on both devices to import captions.

How To Add Caption To a Video In Capcut PC

I will guide you on how to add captions in capcut PC so that even if you are on PC.

If you are editing a video I will tell you how to add captions to your video.

1. First open the capcut on your PC click on New Project and select the video to which you want to add captions.

click text

2. You have to click on the video timeline and then tap on the text option.

click auto caption pc

3. There you will find the auto caption option, click on it and capcut will automatically add the caption to your video.

4. If you want to write the caption yourself click on the add text option and you can also write your captions for your videos.

5. After that if you want to change the caption style you can do that too and then export the video.

I have also explained to you how to add captions to videos on PC.

Just as I have told you the steps by following them you will be able to easily write captions using capcut on your PC.


I have told you how to add captions to any of your videos using capcut you have to follow the same method as I told you how to add captions. Then you will be able to easily add captions to any of your videos and you can do it in any language you want.


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